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Meet the owners: An interview with Edwina & Matthew Lonsdale

Meet the Experts

On these pages we've shone a light on experts from across the industry, and often spoken of our own experiences whilst on board, but as we celebrate our 50th anniversary we thought it high time to focus on Edwina and Matthew Lonsdale, the husband and wife team responsible for Mundy Cruising's success...

Q: Where did you meet?

E: We were both students at different colleges at Oxford University, and whilst looking for live acts for our ball I went to see Matthew perform. You could say that had it not been for Matthew's supreme marketing of his band we would never have met!

M: I remember it differently, Edwina was a groupie.

Q: How did you come to be owners of Mundy Cruising?

E: Having worked for Paul Mundy for many years, when he decided the time was right to step away from the business we were able to take the reins. Until then we'd never really considered working together. In fact, our first business meeting together was with the bank to discuss the purchase.

M: And it was brilliant, I'd prepared the pitch and a wonderfully thick accompanying document, all with tons of sizzle, and Edwina provided the sausage as it were. It was a real complement of skills.

Paul Mundy Cruising team

Q: As co-owners how do you define your individual roles and responsibilities?

E: Matthew is less hands-on but has a fantastic way of making sure we're questioning our approach and don't get blinkered by the day-to-day details, ensuring we remain true to our core values in everything we do.

M: Yes, and when not doing that I am a presiding justice in South London's magistrates' courts.

Q: You've worked in cruise for a long time, what is it about the sector that has kept you interested?

M: The travel!

E: The fantastic thing about cruise is that it is always changing. It's always looking for the next big thing, being ambitious, innovative, competitive. Nobody is resting on their laurels and everyone is being excited about what everyone else is doing. Plus, there is so much variety.

Crystal Serenity in Bordeaux

Q: What has been your favourite cruise?

E: It's a question I've answered many times, but at the moment I would say Crystal Serenity last year for my 60th birthday because I was with my best friends, showing them what I do for a living, being really proud of it and just living the dream.

Q: Where would you most like to travel to next?

M: I'd like to go to the Mediterranean again, to the Italian Riviera. I just want to be on a cruise again and I'm very happy when I'm in the Mediterranean sailing along the Amalfi Coast and up to Portofino.

E: For me it's Antarctica.

M: Mweh, too cold. But yes, I suppose it's a must visit.

Scenic Eclipse in Hidden Bay, Antarctica

Q: What most excites you about the future of cruise?

E: Expedition, with some extraordinary new ships coming online, with features which will make exploration even more exciting and a focus on in-depth exploration of small areas that will reveal wildernesses we never really knew existed.

M: I completely disagree. When you look at how much the food on cruise ships has changed over the last 20 years, I get very excited. Now you can have Michelin star quality food on a daily basis, so I get very excited about the cuisine there will be on board.

E: But Matthew, it will all be plant-based, that will be the next big thing.

M: You'll never get me on a vegan ship!

Q: What next for Mundy Cruising?

E: As it's so difficult to predict the future, the advantage of Mundy Cruising is that we are focused but also nimble, so we'll continue to see what the market demands, and we'll provide it.

M: More business, better business but without changing who we are. Now aren't you going to ask us our star sign and favourite colour…

Matthew and Edwina Lonsdale at home
Meet the author

Alex is Director of Sales & Marketing at Mundy Cruising, having worked with the company for 10 years and in travel for over 18 years. Most recently he's cruised on Silversea and has also sailed with Seabourn, Crystal, SeaDream, Tauck, Regent Seven Seas and Ponant. His favourite destination is South America however he's also enjoyed cruises in the Western Mediterranean, Middle East, East Africa & Indian Ocean, India, Myanmar, South East Asia and Antarctica. When he’s not travelling he loves walking holidays; a favourite included a trek to Everest Base Camp.

More about Alex

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